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About Louise L. Hay

Transformational Heal Your Life® workshops and personal  coaching are based on the techniques, philosophies and training of Louise L. Hay, best-selling author, teacher, public speaker, and founder of publishing and media giant, Hay House. The training is approved by Louise L. Hay and licensed through Hay House Inc. via Heart Inspired Presentations


Louise created the original Love Yourself, Heal Your Life workshops. In 1995 she personally appointed Dr Patricia Crane, PhD, to lead the workshops and develop the workshop teacher training program in the U.S and worldwide, which has trained thousands of certified workshop teachers including me!


In 1976 Louise self-published her first book, Heal Your Body, which was expanded into You Can Heal Your Life, published in 1984. She highlighted the mind/body health connection with regards to thoughts and feelings contributing to disease and illness in corresponding parts of the body.


In 1985 Louise began supportive workshops for men diagnosed with AIDS called The Hayride which focused on love, self-acceptance, and health. The first Hayride meeting began with six men in her lounge room, and continued for many years with over 800 people attending weekly workshops in L.A.

In her 40's Louise was diagnosed with an incurable illness. She used positive affirmations, nutrition, psychotherapy, reflexology, visualisations, and importantly self-love and acceptance. She was also able to forgive and let go of resentment and anger towards her childhood of abuse and violence. By following these modalities she was able to heal herself both physically and emotionally.


Louise travelled the world teaching, speaking, and continued to write, co-authoring books with a number of other Hay House authors. In her 80's she exhibited her art collection in California, always had a great sense of humour, grew organic vegetables, loved to dance, and even had a boyfriend!


Louise passed peacefully on 30.08.17 aged 90 and is an inspiration to millions of people worldwide, particularly when they are in the middle of a health challenge such as the one I had. She is the proof of the power of the mind with her philosophies of unconditional love, self-acceptance and the willingness to forgive. You can indeed Heal Your Life!


With Susie Mulholland Heal Your Life® Teacher Trainer for Australia and New Zealand.


"I choose to make the rest of my life the best of my life!"

Louise L. Hay

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